Care Options

Dementia Care
Brigalow Wing is Kaloma’s 18-bed dementia specific care secure wing that caters to residents at all levels of care.
Brigalow has a vibrant activities program and spacious indoor and outdoor garden areas that residents are free to enjoy in safety. Activities and lifestyle programs are catered for the individual resident in a calm yet stimulating way. Residents go on bus trips, undertake activities such as Art programs, musical entertainment, and the popular High-Tea mornings where family and friends are invited along. The raised vegetable gardens beds donated by Goondiwindi Rotary are very popular with produce grown used by Brigalow residents for baking; or are provided to the Kaloma kitchen.
Our lovely ginger cat Pud is much loved by residents and staff alike. Pets add a touch of love and sensitivity to life and are often most calming when residents are anxious.
We believe by knowing each residents life story and experiences that we can better support the individual resident when they experience challenges and anxiety throughout the day. Our regular meetings with family over coffee and cake provides us with an opportunity to share experiences and undertake education with extended families.
Kaloma’s Home Care package program also provides care for older persons living at home with dementia.
Kaloma offers temporary care on a short term basis to enable the primary carer to have a break from the caring role – an opportunity to recharge and rest. Whilst caring for someone can be deeply fulfilling it can also be emotionally demanding. Eligible older persons are entitled to a total of 63 days respite care in a financial year. We encourage you to plan ahead as respite bookings can be very popular, with bookings made well into the future to secure a holiday or event.
Palliative Care
At Kaloma we view caring for residents in the final stage of their life as a privilege. Being able to care for a dying resident who often has been in our care for many years, is very special to us. The care of family at this time is at the core of our
palliative care model.
We actively use the Palliative Care Pathway Approach. Kaloma’s Registered Nurses actively support staff in providing quality care and service to dying residents and their families. Our staff are skilled and well trained in providing palliative care and symptom management in collaboration with the resident’s doctor and family. Most residents and their family prefer for the resident to pass at home at Kaloma, cared for by staff who are known to them and their families.

Home Care
Kaloma offers flexible care to you in your own home, to assist you to remain at home for as long as possible. The goal of our home care package program is to assist you to have the life you want & need, that enables you to stay at home.
Our approach focuses on health, well-being, independence and reablement. The goal being healthy ageing and maximising consumer choice and control about which assistance best suits your way of living. We make the effort to know every consumers preferences, strengths, history; are sensitive to diversity and treat consumers and their representatives with respect and dignity.
Access to a home care package is via My Aged Care – (link to step by step section below?)
Kaloma is able to provide support for all four levels of home care package. Home care services are provided by competent, well trained staff ably lead by our experienced Home Care Coordinator. A registered nurse is appointed to the program to provide nursing services.
We discuss your budget with you and the choices that you make and will assist you to arrange the services you prefer. You receive a budget report each month and we are happy to e-mail this report to your representative as well.
Some of the services available include:
Providing information about what services and supports you identify you want
Transport to local medical appointments or social activities
Personal hygiene including; showering and toileting
Personal Grooming
Preparation or supply of meals
Review home safety, recommend and assist with arranging necessary modifications
Respite, in home or at a residential facility
Assistance with social interaction
Information technology
Nursing services
Allied Health practitioner assessment and treatment
Continence aids
Equipment assessed to improve the care outcomes of the client at home
In-home respite
Gardening services
If you are interested in learning more about the flexible services we can assist you with,
please contact Kaloma on (07) 4671 1422 to discuss your needs.
Getting into Kaloma
Step by Step before coming into Kaloma for Respite, Permanent Placement or Home Care Packages
"Meeting residents & family’s expectations is something we take very seriously at Kaloma, so we invite you to come & visit and explore your or your loved ones options."
Contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and talk to them about your situation and what services you would like to access. You will need a Comprehensive Aged Care Assessment completed by ACAT in order to access any of Kaloma’s services.
Once you have had an ACAT assessor visit you they will decide whether or not you are approved for respite, permanent residential or home care. If you receive an approval, they will issue you with an approval code (which looks similar to this 1-766727848728).
Once you have received your approval code you can call Kaloma to organise admission or services.
Please note that the approval code can be used for any service provider, not just Kaloma.
The above process allows for Government subsidised accommodation and care in the home, Kaloma does allow admission without approval codes although those types of admissions are at a higher cost. Please call Kaloma’s office on (07) 4671 1422 for more details.